Everyone that knows me knows that I am a 100% obsessed MAC addict, and I will be the first to admit it! However, that doesn't mean I am close minded when it comes to trying out other brands and products. When ACW contacted me asking if I would like to review some of their new eye shadows, I of course JUMPED at the opportunity. To be completely honest I think I was more excited that I was contacted by ACW than I was about the actual shadows, (until I saw them of course ;). I have just always loved ACW and have several haul videos to show for it. My bank account on the other hand, not a big fan, YIKES! I*ve always had amazing customer service and they have helped me build up my MAC collection for a fraction of the cost! Ok enough babbling and onto my new loves =)
(You can click the pictures to enlarge them)
Pink Opal, Show Stopper, Cocoa, Warm and Fuzzy, Wine Not
Mimosa, Creme D' Nude, Frenzy, Cashmere, Dominatrix
Mint Julep, Parakeet, Fresh, Olive Branch, Regal
Mimosa, Creme D' Nude, Frenzy, Cashmere, Dominatrix
Mint Julep, Parakeet, Fresh, Olive Branch, Regal
Pink Opal, Showstopper, Cocoa, Warm and Fuzzy Wine Not, Dominatrix, Cashmere, Frenzy, Creme D' Nude
Pink Opal, Showstopper, Cocoa, Warm and Fuzzy, Wine Not, Dominatrix
Wine Not, Dominatrix, Cashmere, Frenzy, Creme D' Nude
Wine Not, Dominatrix, Cashmere, Frenzy, Creme D' Nude
The shadows that stood out the most to me and some of my favorites: Dominatrix, Creme D'Nude (LOVE this name, as it is my favorite MAC lipstick!), Parakeet, Fresh, Showstopper, & Wine Not.
Needless to say, these shadows are truly BLISS! Absolutely freaking GORGEOUS!!
Have you tried these yet? If so, what are your favorites?