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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Top 5 Beach Essentials!

We recently came back from a trip to St. Thomas and I wanted to share the 5 things that were in my beach bag the whole time!  If you have a fun vacation coming up, don't leave home without these!! 
Sunscreen | Floppy Hat | Sunglasses | Face Mist | Ear Buds

Check out HomeAway to book your next vacation or click here for some awesome Summer vacation ideas! 



  1. We have two beach trips on the near horizon (perks of living 3 hours from the ocean) and many lake/creek days in the summer (perks of living in rural Alabama) and these five things are always in my bag!

    1. Aww yay! Have fun on all your travels!! xo

  2. Replies
    1. I linked to the newest one I've been enjoying. I also really love First Aid Beauty's as well as Josie Marans Nirvana


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